Friday, August 19, 2011

Most Favorit Movie Quotes

La la la movies .. haha what do they mean to you??? JUST a MOVIE?? or do they give
you the impact they should..?
Well, movies are produced to give and make an impact or a change of heart in the eye of the viewer. Some of us may just watch a movie for the fun for it, but behind those movies you have watched there is a hidden message...or a special catchy phrase to be taken back...

For me here are some of the phrases which did make an impact on me but I couldn't
exactly remember those words for word to word.. those i googled them up
and this is what I found.... =)
I love to watch film and there are so many amazing quotes that get stuck in my head. I thought I would share some of my favourite movie quotes with you from some of my favourite films. There are probably so many more amazing quotes but these were the ones I could think of at this moment. I have to admit, some of these are quotes I actually say from time to time in a sentence and you end up having a laugh with your friends because you have good memories from this film. Hope you’ll enjoy this and have a very lovely Thursday!

Well, I can’t colour enough. I could colour all day every day. If I had my way, I would use every crayon in my box.
- Samantha, in Sex and the City, the movie

Wanna know how I got these scars?
- The Joker, in The Dark Knight

Sorry boss, but there's only two men I trust. One of them's me. The other's not you.
- Cameron Poe, in Con Air

What makes you think you can just walk in there and take whatever you want?
They’re called boobs, Ed.
- Ed Masry and Erin Brockovich, in Erin Brockovich

Fifty bucks, Grandpa. For seventy-five, the wife can watch.
- Kit, in Pretty Woman

Nobody puts Baby in a corner.
- Johnny, in Dirty Dancing

Tell me about it, stud.
- Sandy, in Grease

I sing you to me, Mrs. Boss.
- Nullah, in Australia

The name is Bond. James Bond.
- James Bond, in all the James Bond films

I bought the airline. It seemed neater.
- Saito, in Inception

I do wish we could chat longer, but I’m having an old friend for dinner. Bye.
- Hannibal Lecter, in The Silence of the Lambs

I feel the need. The need for speed.
- Maverick, in Top Gun

Honey, I have to go. I am pulling up my panties to get to a lunch date.
- Samantha Jones, in Sex and the City 2

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